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A Boy Named Hell Rejected by School Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Posted by Henry in Australia, Catholics, Chinese, Christianity, hell, numerology, rationality, religion, superstition.
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Here is another piece of the middle-age mindset that has characterised the Catholic church. A boy whose surname is Hell, which has its origin rooted in Austrian, was rejected from enrolling in a Catholic school in Australia simply because of the name, for the obvious reason.

Apparently here is the sequence of events that happened: at first the father of the boy offered to change the surname, but the school would not change its mind. Then the father decided not to change the boy’s surname, but the Catholic school decided to accept the boy. However this was too late for the father, who now says there is now no way that he would send his boy to the school.

The father correctly states:

“It’s 2007, not 1407 — it’s not the Dark Ages.”

According to the report, this is what the school statement has to say:

“The issue of a change of surname of the child was an initiative of the parents which they believed would assist the child in the transition of schools,” the school said in a statement.

“The school is working with the family in the best interests of the child,” the statement added.

While this issue has its religious context, this kind of incredible stupidity know as supersition is not limited to the religious. Numerology is one obvious example. Apparently the recent date of 07/07/07 has seen a large number of weddings planned on that day because many people believe this unique date brings good luck.

Also the number 13 and springs to mind. In the Chinese culture, the number 4 is considered bad luck because it sounds very similar to the word “death”, while the number 8 is considered very good simply because it sounds like the word “fortune” or “sudden fortune” in Chinese. So next time if you see a number plate filled with 8’s – you know why.